Monday, 5 January 2015









Dr. A.Gopal -  Software engineer Admin oficer & Associate Proffessor enigineeirng
uiversity road ,hanamkonda,Warangalc city Telangana India

India acadamic youth univeristy team bhartia team

A.Gopal- faculty computer science and software engineer-web admin (Anchrui Gopal Guptha) sent Letter to govt sanction big industry for warangal city the Letter FROM INDIA YOUTH CONGRESS WWW.IYC.IN
We india youth congress -private -employees and university youth thanking the Govt adminstation for sanctioning the rilway wagan factory for warangal city -hanamkonda,warangal

Ticket #7127644: india youth congress meeting info and congress,Warangal
Status: solved Ticket Description: To India Youth congress and congress
To Day 5-3-2014 the youth congress members and congress members paticiapted a metting at congress office chief guest is ji ram ramesh at the meeting at hamkonda congress office the paticipates are tadishetty vidya sagar,baswaraju saraiah,raji reddy and youth congress rajesh,ramy,ramakan reddy,raju and youth congres members anchuri gopal guptha faculty computers software engineer and assistnat proffessor computers ,the meeting given congrats and thank full message to congress members suprting the bill on telangana and givne the appointed day june-2 telanganan formation day all youth congress members slgans ji-telangana ,ji telangana on this occassion the ji ram ramesh asked all youth and congress members to support the congress leaders witn in general loksaba and assembli elections press persions and police given security for the the meating is succesfull the the youth and employees and farmers are paticiated in hanamknda,city:Warangal in hanamkonda congress office the paticipates are youth congress members baswaraju saraih,srinivas reddy,ramakanth reddy ,ramesh,p.santosh,farmers ,faculty comptuers-software engineer-anchuri Gopal Guptha patcipated in this meeting
we thanking and congrats all youth congress and congress members for supporitng telangana. form hanamkonda,city:Warangal
regards and thanks
Anchuri Gopal Guptha Assistant Proffessor Computers and Software Engineer- web admin India Youth congress member,hanamkonda- oruallu academy-faculty computers(asst proffessor) and software enineer -web admin hanumaan nagar,kakatiya univeristy road hanamkonda,city:Warangal- green square plaza,hanamkonda phone: 8185944713 email:

Comment by:youth congress memebrs- Megha
Naveen G Kumar P.uma shankar- Youth congress members - .---

| Dear Gopal Anchuri Ji, |
| Thank you for writing to us. |
| Regards, | Support `---
-------------------------------------------------------------- - IYC Helpdesk
Login to your helpdesk here: and view the ticket details here: -------------------------------------------------------------- Telugu web sites info
Warangal offcies info-colleges info
Orugallu TECHNOLOGY-hanumaan nagar,hanamkonda,Warangal sCIENTIFIC GRID-PROJECT-TEAM- Super Computer Education Reserch center india-Indian institute of science

news: Telangana Bill information

Legislative history
The Union Cabinet formed a Group of Ministers (GoM)committee in August 2013 led by Union Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde to look into suitability of division of Andhra Pradesh. The members include Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, Law Minister Kapil Sibal, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh and Narayanaswamy. It also took Srikrishna committee on Telangana into account.
Amidst a lot of protest in the Lok Sabha the lower house of the parliament, the bill was introduced by the speaker Meira Kumar at 12:00PM on 13 February 2014.[7] During this time there was lot of shouting slogans in the parliament and MP Lagadapati Rajagopal used pepper spray in the parliament.[8] Later he said he was attacked by some Congress MPs from other states and has to use it in self-defense. The parliament was then adjouned at 12:05PM to 02:00PM.[9]
Leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj said she does not know if the bill was introduced and denies to acknowledge that it was introduced.[10] On 18 February 2014, the Telangana Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha with support from the BJP.[11]
On 20 February, the Telangana bill was passed by Rajya Sabha with the support from the BJP. There were MPs from various parties asked for division but that was rejected by speaker and finally the was passed by voice vote. [12] [13]
The bill received the assent of the President and published in the gazette on 1 March 2014. [14] The new state will come into effect "from the date set by the central government also known as appointed date." It will then become the 29th state of India.
Telangana news-in 2013 group of minister discussed the telangnaa issu president pranabh mukrjee sent a bill to andhra pradesh assembli prime minister man mohan says that upa govt ready formation of Telangana
Presss news on Telangana-The Group of ministers (GoM) on Telangana will meet once again on February 4,2014
telangana appinted Date: june-2-2014
possibly to discuss the views expressed by Andhra Pradesh legislators on the state reorganization bill and pave the way for approval of the final draft by the Cabinet before it is tabled in Parliament.
the home ministry feels the bill should be back with the Centre latest by February 4 or 5, before the start of the Parliament session, to allow the home and law ministries to prepare the final draft to be moved in Parliament. Given the time constraint, a second extension to the state assembly may be tricky. The speaker of assembly, a government leader said, can compile the views expressed by the nearly 85 MLAs so far, as well as some written suggestions, and forward them to the Centre. These suggestions, which are anyway not binding, can be examined by the Centre and a final draft prepared for consideration by the Cabinet. Sources indicated that government was looking at moving the final draft bill for Cabinet approval on February 7, followed by its introduction in Parliament. The group of ministers tasked with resolving issues
Suggestions by the BJP with regard to Telangana bill are welcome and will be considered, senior Congress leader Jaipal Reddy said today amid demands by the main opposition for amendments to the proposed legislation. The Union Minister asserted that the powers to form States lies only with Parliament and whatever happened in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly will not have any binding on it. "Any suggestions from BJP are welcome... on the floor (of Parliament) and off the floor. Naturally, when we introduce the bill we consult everybody," he told reporters here.
font color="blue">Telangana bill info
Legislative history
The Union Cabinet formed a Group of Ministers (GoM)committee in August 2013 led by Union Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde to look into suitability of division of Andhra Pradesh. The members include Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, Law Minister Kapil Sibal, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh and Narayanaswamy. It also took Srikrishna committee on Telangana into account.
Amidst a lot of protest in the Lok Sabha the lower house of the parliament, the bill was introduced by the speaker Meira Kumar at 12:00PM on 13 February 2014.[7] During this time there was lot of shouting slogans in the parliament and MP Lagadapati Rajagopal used pepper spray in the parliament.[8] Later he said he was attacked by some Congress MPs from other states and has to use it in self-defense. The parliament was then adjouned at 12:05PM to 02:00PM.[9]
Leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj said she does not know if the bill was introduced and denies to acknowledge that it was introduced.[10] On 18 February 2014, the Telangana Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha with support from the BJP.[11]
On 20 February, the Telangana bill was passed by Rajya Sabha with the support from the BJP. There were MPs from various parties asked for division but that was rejected by speaker and finally the was passed by voice vote. [12] [13]
The bill received the assent of the President and published in the gazette on 1 March 2014. [14] The new state will come into effect "from the date set by the central government also known as appointed date." It will then become the 29th state of India.

hanamkonda,Inida youth congress members submitted Letter to congress office new delhi office from hanamkond by india post for supprting Telangana decission india youth congress memebers hanamkonda,warangal are and Letter to Govt warangal collector G.Kishan supprting Telangana and more funds in education sector.
India youth congress members hanamkonda,warangal are

orugallu academy-A.Gopal-faculty computers(asst proffessor)-software enginer,vivek(m.b.a),durga,sandeep,ramesh rajesh,durga,mahesh reddy-praveen,shiva,somi reddy-Farmers-warangal district-farmer-narasimha murthi-rajesh,ramesh,farmers ,hanamkonda,warangal-lok paal reddy and asking more funds for agriculture and health care and sanction a big govt industry like navaratna industry for warangal city
Telangana bill passed in rajya sabha and loksabha in year 2014- the govt apponted Day for Telangana june-2 telanana separate state formed on june-2-2014 so that all telanana supprters wait till june 2 so then all telangana officially from june -2
Election will be held andhra pradesh lok sabha and rajya sabha after elections Telangana separate govt and andhra pradesh govt will be formed in lok sabha elections and in telangana elections dates in april-30 so all voters elect good member in elections after elections till june all we are in andhra pradesh but the diffrenet dates elections separately

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do any thing and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”


“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.”

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Mr. A.Gopal-Scientist computing and Assistant Proffessor engineering-software enginenr officer
University youth and India Uiversity founder youth Scolers Univeersity  President
near univerisity,hanamkonda,warangal city-Telangana-India
contact phone: 8185944713

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